Minutes – Meeting, January 17, 2013 EPCLPDG


Monthly Meeting Minutes of the El Paso County Libertarian Party Development Group


January 17, 2013

  • Meeting Attendees: Headcount 54
  • Action Group Meeting called to order at 7:05pm by Liz Oldach
  • Old Business
    • Contact information
      • Cards were passed out for attendees to provide contact information.
      • Post cards
    • Liz presented her first draft of a postcard to send out to registered Libertarians in El Paso County to let them know that the Development Group is reorganizing. Discussion: Find out if local printers can do it for the same price. If no local printers are presented then we will order from GotPrint. 5000 cards for $187.87 + $24.68 labels for a total of $212.55. 5 volunteers for 4 hours. Date depends on funding.
      We raised $100.00. This money went to the LPCO. We will contact LPCO when we are ready.
    • State Strategy Session
      • Susan expressed continued interest in going. We also had 2 other volunteers seconded by the group, Paotie Dawson and Anthony Daniels. Liz & Judy were invited by Jeff, LPCO Chair, to attend as well as board members of the EPCLPDG.
    • Online Presence
    • Seeking volunteers for YouTube, Twitter – Paotie, Guest Bloggers after site set up, multi media. Twitter – Paotie Dawson. Lance blogger. Lance helping with WordPress.
    • City Council
      • Passed around maps of districts. 50 signatures needed by 02/06. Discussed new districting & getting people to volunteer to run for city council. 2 people took packets for District 3 Anthony Daniels, & 6 Susan Quilleash.
  • New Business
    • Leadership
      • Chair – Liz has been filling this role, without objection she will continue.
        • By motion, second and “Aye” Liz Oldach selected as Chair person until elections are held.
      • Secretary – Judy has been filling this role, without objection she will continue.
        • By motion, second and “Aye” Judy Darcy selected as Secretary until elections are held.
      • ”Treasurer” – Point of Contact with LPCO to make sure they get donations and let them know when we need allocation of funds.
        • By motion, second and “Aye” Tracie McCray selected as Treasurer contact until elections are held.
      • Satellite Group Leaders – Volunteers, locations, schedule.
        • By motion, second and “Aye” Lance Haverkamp selected as Volunteer Coordinator until elections are held.
      • Volunteer Position – Event / Outreach Coordinator – Volunteer, Find events, recruit volunteers, coordinate with LPCO for booth.
        • By motion, second and “Aye” Joel Aigner selected as Outreach Coordinator until elections are held.
      • By-Laws committee volunteers – Propose By-Laws for Affiliate
        • Jim Wilkerson, Mike Seebeck, Tracie McCray, Lance Haverkamp, Mike Palmer.
    • Summary of Board meeting, Q & A, Address, Donations
    • Jeff Orrock, LPCO Chair – Summary of Board meeting, Addresses from CiviCRM for postcards, Rules for DG for Donations. Sign-up sheet Long range planning. State Convention.
    • Seeking Nomination for Governor 2014
      • Matthew Hess, LPCO Communications Director – Announced he is Seeking nomination for gubernatorial race 2014. Gave approval for Postcards. CO Senate Bill 1365 Approval Voting in CO has LP support. Call your Senator
  • Motion to adjourn
    • Mark made a motion to adjourn and Liz seconded.
    • Meeting adjourned at 9:03pm.

Submitted: Judy Darcy

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