Minutes – Monthly Meeting – March 2016

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Board of Directors Meeting
Date ? Thursday, March 17, 2016
Time ? 7:00 PM
Location ? Fargo’s Pizza Co.
2910 E Platte Ave
Colorado Springs, CO 80909

  1. Opening/Welcome/Introductions
    Call to Order:
    Board Members present:
    Steve Kerbel, Mike Seebeck, John Hjersman, Judy Darcy,
    Others present:
    Susan Quilleash-Nelson, Liz Oldach, Michael Schleirf, Lance Haverkamp, Jay Lawrence, Travis Shirley, Pavla Hajek, Michael McRedmond, Matt Smith, Scott Allen, Silena Taylor, Jay Taylor, Chase Mabry, Nate Benson
  2. Presentation and Adoption of Agenda ? MSCU
  3. Minutes from Previous meeting ? MSCU
  4. Director/Officer Reports
    1. Chair, Steve Kerbel ?? Verbal
    2. Vice Chair, Mike Seebeck ? Verbal
    3. Secretary,?? vacant
    4. Treasurer,?John Hjersman ? Written
    5. Affiliate Representative, ?? to be appointed
    6. Director-at-Large-Education, ? vacant
    7. Director-at-Large-Outreach,?Judy Darcy ? Verbal
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Bylaws Committee Chair, Mike Seebeck – Verbal
    2. Platform Committee, Mike Seebeck ? Verbal
    3. Finance Committee, ? vacant
    4. Manitou Springs Issues Liaison,? to be appointed
    5. Newsletter ? to be appointed
  6. Unfinished Business
    1. Events Calendar (topics/dates/education and social)
      04/21 ? Monthly Meeting
      05/19 ? Monthly Meeting
      06/16 ? Monthly Meeting
    2. Board & Committee Appointments
      1. Secretary ? vacant – Michael McRedmond Interested
      2. Affiliate Representative ? John Hjersman, NCU
      3. Director-at-Large-Education ? vacant – Liz Oldach Interested
      4. Finance Committee ? Susan Quilleash-Nelson NC 17-1
      5. Manitou Springs Political Issues Liaison ? Norman Dawson NCU
      6. Newsletter ? Mariana Wagner NCU
      7. EPC Political Issues Liaison ? vacant ? Matt Smith & Susan Quilleash-Nelson Interested.
      8. Colorado Springs Political Issues Liaison ? vacant
      9. Minutes Committee Chair ? vacant
      10. Agenda Committee Chair – vacant
      11. Convention Committee Chair ? vacant
      12. Volunteer Coordinator ? vacant ? Travis Shirley – Interested, need more information
      13. Social Media Committee Chair ? Judy Darcy NCU
      14. Campaigns Committee Chair ? vacant
      15. Voter Registration Drive Chair ? vacant
      16. Fundraising Committee Chair ? Steve Kerbel NCU
      17. Meeting Host ? vacant
      18. Event Photographer ? Pavla Hajek NCU
    3. Postcard Mailing
      1. Art Complete
      2. 5000 cards ordered – Purchase Cards – MSCU
        1. Total cost?
      3. $40 label budget approved
      4. Postage budget.
    4. Community Events
    5. Volunteer Training
  7. New Business
    1. LPCO access to facebook ? 2 admins from LPEPC, no outside group access ? MSCU
    2. LPCO access to CRM ? denied, information can be traded with express consent from the Member ? MSCU
    3. LPCO access to Cloud ? denied
      1. Mike Seebeck motion to burn a CD with information requested by LPCO Regions Director ? MSCU
    4. Candidates ? City Council
    5. Volunteer Shirts ? Maximum of $100 to purchase a new batch of Volunteer T-Shirts ? MSCU
    6. Mike Seebeck, Motion to Endorse all Libertarian Candidates that have been nominated at LPCO Convention that will appear on El Paso County Ballots ? MSC 15-Aye 1-Nay
  8. Announcements
  9. Discussion/Q&A
  10. Adjourn???????? 9:10pm

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