Minutes – Board Meeting, June 2021

Draft Minutes submitted by Judy Darcy – Notes only, until Crystina Page’s departure at 4pm. This document was sent to Crystina for inclusion in the final Draft Minutes, but were not submitted in her copy.


Meeting – Libertarian Party of El Paso County Board of Directors Meeting
Date – Saturday, June 5, 2021
Time – 2:00pm
Location – Tilted Kilt

  1. Opening/Welcome/Introductions
    Board Members present: Nathan, John, Crystina, Judy (by phone)

    Others present: Greg Lauer

    Call to Order: 3:08
  2. Presentation and Adoption of Agenda
    Motion: N
    Second: J
  1. Minutes from April Meeting
    Motion: Judy Motion to set aside adopting April Minutes until July Board meeting. Crystina will present Minutes to the Board by 06/08/2021
    Second: Nathan
  2. Minutes from May Meeting
    Motion: Judy – Motion to set aside adopting April Minutes until July Board meeting. Crystina will present Minutes to the Board by 06/08/2021
    Second: Nathan
  1. Director/Officer Reports
    1. Chairman, Nathan Foutch – May – Convention, Named Treasurer of LPCO – Training with John
    2. Vice Chair, Ed Duffett – Resigned
    3. Secretary, Crystina Page – Requesting new training, New directions have been added to facebook group
    4. Treasurer, John Hjersman – In Writing
    5. Affiliate Representative, John Hjersman –
    6. Education Director, Molly Foutch –
    7. Outreach Director, Judy Darcy – (these notes do not include all the motions I made. I wrote those notes separately. Let me know if you want those.)

Secretary Crystina Page left at 4:00pm – Judy Darcy taking minutes for the remainder of the meeting

  1. Committee Reports
    1. Bylaws Committee, John Hjersman, Judy Darcy – Meeting June 15, 2021 @ Judy’s – John gets laptop back Monday
    2. Media Committee, vacant –
    3. Fundraising Committee Chair, John Hjersman –
    4. Manitou Springs Issues Liaison, vacant –
    5. Social Media Committee Chair, Judy Darcy – See Outreach Report
    6. Newsletter, vacant –
    7. IT Committee, vacant –
    8. Campaigns Committee, vacant –
    9. Policy Committee, Chris Houtchens, John Hjersman, Judy Darcy – NSTR
    10. Volunteer Coordinator, vacant –
  2. Unfinished Business
    1. Meetings
      06/05 – Board Meeting @ 2pm   @ Tilted
      06/15 – Bylaws Meeting @12:30 @ Judy’s
      06/17 – Per Chrystina some will not return calls. 3 families will come families of David Page & Josh Vigil will be speaking. The Police Accountability Board has been contacted & is invited to attend. DFIT (Deadly Force Investigation Team) officer has been invited to attendCrystina Unavailable to let us know what is happening for the 3rd Thursday meeting. Judy will remove topic from meetings until speakers are confirmed. 
    2. Pending Board & Committee Appointments
      1. Nominate Greg Lauer as Interim Vice Chair: Nathan
      2. John will get the Binder to Greg.
      3. Training 06/23/2021 Training at 6pm
      4. John will add greg to chat.
        John will add to LPEPC Board Member Group
    3. Schedule Next Meetings
      1. Board Meetings
        2 Saturdays Before 3rd Thursday @ Tilted
      2. Member Monthly Meetings
        1. 3rd Thursday
          1. Topic/speaker for July –
          2. Topic/Speaker for August –
          3. Topic/Speaker for September –
        2. Locations – Tilted Kilt
  1. Phone Call Volunteers
    1. Committees
    2. Outreach
      1. Nathan & Judy will make calls
    3. Meeting attendance
  2. Unfinished Business
    1. Website, CRM, cloud, IT
      1. Aldo
      2. Judy will contact Aldo
    1. Parade
      1. 2021 – Money held over for 2021 parade
    2. Participation in Reopen activities
    3. Donate Button on Facebook
    4. Recruiting more people
    5. Outreach planning
      1. See Outreach Report
    6. Google Voice
    7.             Judy will contact Lance
    8. Gift envelopes
      1. Crystina will check out
      2. No new information provided at this meeting
    9. Shutterfly Free Stuff
      1. Crystina will price shop
      2. No new information provided at this meeting
    10. Quiz changes
      1. John will send more
      2. Will post pics in LPEPC Board Members Group
    11. Call for Special Convention
      1. Finished Business – Special Convention not needed for Interim appointment
  1. New Business
  1. Sesquicentennial Parade
    1. See Outreach motion.
  2. Announcements
    1. Dues for 2021 are due to remain a contributing member and eligible for a Board Position. $25
  3. Discussion/Q&A Judy will send Minutes/Minutes notes to Crystina via email & LPEPC Board Member
  4. Adjourn: 4:23pm