Minutes ? Board Meeting, November 2016

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Meeting ? Libertarian Party of El Paso County Board of Directors Meeting
Date ? Saturday, November 12, 2016
Time ? 10:00 am
Location ? Epicentral, 415 N. Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

  1. Opening/Welcome/Introductions
    Call to Order by Chair Chris Houtchens at 10:07am
    Board Members Present:
    Chris Houtchens, John Hjersman, Amy Lunde-Provines, Judy Darcy, Gordon Beacon. There are currently 5 Board Members, all are present.
    This constitutes a Quorum.
    Others present: Matt Smith, Wayne Harlos
  2. Presentation and Adoption of Agenda
    Motion to Adopt Agenda as Modified: Motion: Judy, Second: John MSCU
  3. Minutes from Previous meeting
    Motion to approve minutes from October 15.? Motion: Judy, Second: John MSCU
  4. Director/Officer Reports
    1. Chair, Chris Houtchens ? Verbal, gave state of party: election results, spoke about?events (gun show, election night party at Antlers).? Spoke with media?(Independent, Gazette) on election night.? El Paso had highest turnout for Gary Johnson.
    2. Vice Chair,? ? vacant
    3. Secretary, Amy Lunde-Provines ? Verbal, lamented web hosting problems
    4. Treasurer, John Hjersman ? Written, three days late on TRACER reporting
    5. Affiliate Representative, John Hjersman ? Written
    6. Director-at-Large-Education, Gordon Beacon ? Verbal, , Dennis , book review; Kathleen Chandler, local boards
    7. Director-at-Large-Outreach, Judy Darcy ? Verbal, did outreach training, gun show, entered information.? Wants budget for outreach ? plan for new business next meeting.
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Bylaws Committee, Mike Seebeck ? No report
    2. Platform Committee, Mike Seebeck ? No report
    3. Finance Committee Chair,? ? vacant
    4. Manitou Springs Issues Liaison, Norman “Paotie” Dawson ? No report
    5. Social Media Committee Chair, Judy Darcy ? See previous report
    6. Convention Committee Chair,?Lance Haverkamp ? No Report
    7. Newsletter, Mariana Wagner ? See Newsletter
    8. IT Coordinator ? Matthew Smith ? Verbal, Started work on website. Google Hangouts for Remote Meetings.
    9. Volunteer Coordinator, Cathy Smith ? No Report
    10. Graphics Design, Amy Lunde-Provines ? Nothing to report
  6. Unfinished Business
    1. Events Calendar (topics/dates/education and social)
      11/12 ? Board Meeting
      11/17 ? Monthly Meeting
      11/28 ? December Board Meeting (changed from 12/3)
      12/11 ? LPEPC Birthday ? speaker about Bob Telmosse
      12/16 ? Bob Telmosse Christmas Giveaway ? need volunteers
      01/14/2017 ? Board & Annual Meeting ? Tilted Kilt; mention elections prior
    2. Pending Board & Committee Appointments
      1. Vice Chair ? vacant
      2. EPC Political Issues Liaison ? vacant
      3. Colorado Springs Political Issues Liaison ? vacant
      4. Policy Committee Chair ? vacant
      5. Minutes Committee Chair ? vacant
      6. Agenda Committee Chair ? vacant
      7. Campaigns Committee Chair ? vacant
      8. Voter Registration Drive Chair ? vacant
      9. Fundraising Committee Chair ? vacant
      10. Meeting Host ? vacant
      11. Event Photographer ? vacant
    3. Postcard Mailing
      1. Art Complete – Lance
      2. 5000 cards to be ordered
      3. Labels purchased
      4. Postage budget $102 per month approved 10/15/2016
    4. T-Shirts
      1. Art Complete – Lance
      2. 30 shirts ordered ? up in the air
        1. Total cost ? $300.00
        2. Printed only on the front
          1. John Hjersman still waiting to hear from company
    5. Community Events
      1. Judy has huge list
    6. Volunteer Training
      1. CRM training
        1. Cathy Smith and Amy Lunde-Provines
      2. Position Training
        1. Cathy Smith and Amy Lunde-Provines
      3. Outreach Training
        1. Completed 10/22
    7. Compile information for missing Minutes from previous Secretary.
      1. John will head that up with assistance from Judy & Amy
    8. Website updates
      1. Matt Smith is heading that up
  7. New Business
    1. Post General Election Education Followup
      1. Recap to happen at 11/28 meeting
      2. Gordon wants to make education bigger part at meetings
    2. Website issues
      1. Move to 11/28 meeting
    3. Cloud issues
      1. Move to 11/28 meeting
    4. December Board meeting date change to 11/28
      1. location ? Epicentral 6pm
    5. Policy committee
      1. creation of
        1. First meeting occurred 10/24
        2. Goal to record history of LPEPC
      2. ?members
        1. Chris Houtchens accepted nomination for Chair NCU
        2. Other members: Judy Darcy, Tim Richardson, Amy Lunde-Provines, Gordon Beacon, John Hjersman
    6. CRM entries
      1. pledge vs donation ? discussed and clarified as to which should be used and why.
    7. Email vs facebook for types of communication ? refer to policy committee
    8. YouTube Channel
      1. Tim ? refer to policy committee
    9. Other Meetings
      1. Bowling ? next two months, need solid date
      2. Book club ? Matt will coordinate
    10. Phone call volunteers
  8. Announcements
    1. Dues for 2016 are due to remain a Contributing Member & eligible for Board position.
    2. December Board Meeting to be held Monday, November 28, 2016 at 6pm at Epicentral.
  9. Discussion/Q&A
    1. Topics for Monthly Meetings ? 3 months out.
    2. Jeff Orrok with LXVI for email service
    3. Motion for a maximum $500 IT budget (email and web) Motion: Judy, Second: John MSCU
  10. Adjourn MCU 12:11Submitted by: Amy Lunde-Provines for approval at the next Board Meeting

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