Minutes – Board Meeting November, 2022

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Meeting – Libertarian Party of El Paso County Board of Directors Meeting
Date – Saturday, November 11, 2022
Time – 3PM
Location – Library 21C, 1175 Chapel Hills Drive


  1. Opening/Welcome/Introductions
    Board Members present: Daryl Kuiper, John Hjersman, John Angle, Mike Ciesko, Jason Calvert
    Others present: Phoebe Ciesko
    Call to Order: 3:30

  2. Presentation and Adoption of Agenda
    Mr. Kuiper moves to adopt the  agenda, Mr. Hjersman seconds; Passes

  3. Minutes from Previous Meeting
    Mr. Kuiper moves to adopt the October minutes, Mr. Hjersman seconds; Passes

  4. Motion to nominate Phoebe Ciesko as interim Outreach Director, Mr. Hjersman; Mr. Ciesko seconded; Passes
  5. Director/Officer Reports

    1. Chair, John Angle – NTR

    2. Vice Chair, Amy Lunde – NTR

    3. Interim Secretary, Janet Turner – NTR

    4. Treasurer, John Hjersman – In writing

    5. Affiliate Representative, John Hjersman – In writing

    6. Education Director, Daryl Kuiper – NTR

    7. Communications Director, Mike Ciesko – NTR

    8. Outreach Director, Phoebe Ciesko – Provided ideas, plan for LP Birthday Party

  6. Committee Reports

    1. Bylaws Committee, John Hjersman – Flag bylaws changes to be presented at Annual Convention
    2. Policy Committee, John Hjersman, Judy Darcy, John Angle – NTR
    3. Finance Committee – NTR
    4. Colorado Springs Political Issues Liaison, John Angle – NTR
    5. Social Media Committee Chair, Jason Calvert – NTR
    6. Newsletter, Daryl Kuiper – In writing
    7. IT Coordinator, Lance Haverkamp, John Angle – NTR
    8. Volunteer Coordinator, Janet Turner – NTR
  7. Unfinished Business
    1. Committee & Director Appointments
      1. Fundraising Director – Open
      2. Campaigns Director – Open
    2. Schedule Next Meetings
      1. Board Meetings
        1. Announcement/reminder letters to be sent over Meetup, FB, email
      2. Monthly Empowerment Meetings
        1. LP Birthday 12/11 @ 6pm to discuss LP History
        2. 3rd Thursday
          1. To continue at Old Chicago on Academy, Constitution topics in ’23
    3. Website, CRM, cloud, IT
      1. Mr. Angle to remove Google maps applet from site if the token can’t be resolved
    4. Pocket Constitutions
      1. Allotted monies ($100) unspent, Mr. Hjersman still looking for the correct price
  8. New Business
    1. Mr. Kuiper nominates Mr. Hjersman for LPCO Bylaws Committe, Mr. Ciesko seconds. Mr. Hjersman accepts.
    2. Outreach Events
      1. Mr. Kuiper, Mrs. Ciesko discuss aluminum recycling drive
      2. Reminder from Mr. Hjersman about the Bob Telmosse Christmas Giveaway; volunteership for this event was stopped due to opposition to COVID restrictions
    3. Mr. Ciesko to reach out to LPCO David Aitken to discuss MailChimp vs Civi group emailing
  9. Announcements
  10. Discussion/Q&A
  11. Adjourn: 4:42

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