Agenda – Board Meeting, December 2013

LPEPC logo glow torchAGENDA

Meeting ? Libertarian Party of El Paso County Board of Directors Meeting
Date ? Saturday, December 7, 2013
Time ? 1:30 PM
Location ? Village Inn, 1430 Harrison Rd, Colorado Springs

  1. Opening/Welcome/Introductions
  2. Presentation and Adoption of Agenda
  3. Minutes from Previous meeting
  4. Director/Officer Reports
    1. Chair, Lance Haverkamp
    2. Vice Chair, Tim Campbell
    3. Secretary, Judy Darcy
    4. Treasurer, Tracie McCray
    5. Affiliate Representative, Randy Schneider
    6. Education Director, Scott Allen
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Bylaws Committee, Mike Seebeck
    2. Manitou Political Issues Liaison, Norman Dawson
    3. Voter Registration Drive Committee, Tina Blea
    4. Volunteer Coordinator, Brianne Clark
    5. Platform Committee, Mike Seebeck
    6. Finance Committee, Judy Darcy
  6. Unfinished Business
    1. Affiliate Structure and Liability (LLC)
    2. Events Calendar (topics/dates/education and social)
        1. New events suggested by LNCC
        2. 12/11 LP Birthday (History)
        3. 12/19 Third Thursday LPEPC Holiday Party and Candidate Announcements
        4. 01/03 ? FFFFFF ? A Bug?s Life
        5. 01/11 Board Meeting
        6. 01/16 Third Thursday Topic = Candidates?
        7. 02/07 ? FFFFFF ? Film?
        8. 02/15 Board Meeting
        9. 02/20 Third Thursday Upcoming LPEPC Elections and LPCO Convention
        10. 03/07 ? FFFFFF ? Film?
        11. 03/15 Board Meeting and 2nd Annual Convention
        12. 03/20 Third Thursday Topic = Taxes
        13. 03/28-03/30 – LPCO State Convention
    1. Outreach materials (tshirts and invite cards, etc)
    2. LNCC – County Development and Enhancement Program
        1. Review of Goals (Fundraising, Newsletter, Mailing, Events, Membership)
        2. Monthly and weekly conference calls
    1. Position Descriptions / Continuity Binder
    2. Committee and Director Appointments
        1. Director-at-Large Outreach
        2. Campaigns Chair
        3. Finance Committee Chair
        4. Fundraising Committee Chair
        5. El Paso County Issues Liaison
        6. Colorado Springs Issues Liaison
        7. Convention Committee Chair
        8. Photographer
    1. Community Action Rotations
    2. New Voter Data
    3. Newsletter
  7. New Business
    1. History of the Libertarian Party by Scott Allen
    2. T-Shirts distribution
    3. Cancellation/Weather Policy
    4. Name tags
    5. CRM Plugin to Website Purchase
    6. Buttons
    7. Robo-call funding and scheduling.
  8. Announcements
    1. Dues! 🙂
  9. Discussion/Q&A
    1. Date/Time of next meeting (review schedule)


2 thoughts on “Agenda – Board Meeting, December 2013”

  1. Pingback: Board Meeting, 12/07/2013 | Libertarian Party of El Paso County

  2. Pingback: Agendas 2013 | Libertarian Party of El Paso County, Colorado

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