Agenda – Board Meeting, February 2022


Meeting – Libertarian Party of El Paso County Board of Directors Meeting
Date – Saturday, February 5, 2022
Time – Immediately following the Annual Meeting
Location – Tilted Kilt, 7061 Commerce Center Drive


  1. Opening/Welcome/Introductions
    Board Members present:
    Others present:
    Call to Order:

  2. Presentation and Adoption of Agenda

  3. Minutes from Previous Meeting

  4. Director/Officer Reports

    1. Chair, John Angle –

    2. Vice Chair, Amy Lunde –

    3. Secretary, Michael Giallombardo –

    4. Treasurer, John Hjersman – In writing

    5. Affiliate Representative, John Hjersman – In writing  –

    6. Education Director, Daryl Kuiper –

  5. Committee Reports

    1. Bylaws Committee, John Hjersman –
    2. Policy Committee, John Hjersman, Judy Darcy, John Angle –
    3. Finance Committee –
    4. Colorado Springs Political Issues Liaison, John Angle –
    5. Social Media Committee Chair, Judy Darcy – See Outreach
    6. Newsletter, Daryl Kuiper –
    7. IT Coordinator, Lance Haverkamp, John Angle –
    8. Outreach Coordinator, Judy Darcy –
    9. Volunteer Coordinator, Janet Turner –
  6. Unfinished Business
    1. Committee & Director Appointments
    2. Phone Call Volunteers
    3. Volunteer Training Scheduling
      1. Position Training
        1. Dates/Trainer
      2. Outreach Training
        1. Prior to February Gun Show
      3. CRM Training
        1. When it’s fixed
      4. CDEP Training
        1. Date/Location
    4. Schedule Next Meetings
      1. Board Meetings
      2. Member Monthly Meetings
        1. 3rd Thursday
          1. Topic/speaker for February
          2. Topic/Speaker for March
          3. Topic/Speaker for April
          4. Locations
    5. Website, CRM, cloud, IT
      1. Get website updated
    6. Parade
      1. St. Patrick’s Day 2020 – Money held over for 2021 parade, then 2022 Parade
      2. Volunteer to follow up to contact csstpats
      3. Deadline for report 01/29/2022
    7. Donate Button on Facebook
    8. Recruiting more people
    9. Outreach planning
    10. Election 2022
      1. Poll watchers
      2. Election Judges
      3. New Districts
      4. New Precincts
    11. “About Me” from each Board Member for Website
      1. Deadline 01/29/2022
    12. 2022 Coordinated Election
      1. See Election Calendar for Open seats
        1. Vet Candidates
          1. Find a candidate for every available office
        2. Create Questionnaire
        3. Issues
    13. Standing Rules Amendment?
  7. New Business
  8. Announcements

    1. Dues for 2022 are due to remain a contributing member and eligible for a Board Position. $25
    2. Training to follow this meeting.
  9. Discussion/Q&A
  10. Adjourn:

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