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Minutes – Board Meeting, August 2021


Meeting – Libertarian Party of El Paso County Board of Directors Meeting
Date – Saturday, August 7, 2021
Time – 2:00pm
Location – Tilted Kilt

  1. Opening/Welcome/Introductions
    Board Members present: Nathan Foutch, John Hjersman, Judy Darcy, Molly Foutch

    Others present: Steve Darnell, Sterling
    Quorum – Yes

    Call to Order: 2:25 pm
  2. Presentation and Adoption of Agenda
    Motion: Adopt as Presented Judy
    Second: Nathan
  3. Minutes from April Meeting
    Motion: Judy Motion to set aside until September
    Second: Nathan
  4. Minutes from May Meeting
    Motion: Judy Motion to set aside until September
    Second: Nathan
  5. Minutes from June Meeting
    Motion: Judy Motion to set aside until September
    Second: Nathan
  6. Minutes from July Meeting
    Motion: Accept as presented Nathan
    Second: Judy
  1. Director/Officer Reports
    1. Chairman, Nathan Foutch – Gun Show, Submitted resignation to LPCO, LPEPC resignation will be forthcoming – moving due to family & tyranny.
    2. Interim Vice Chair, Greg Lauer – absent due to family
    3. Secretary, Crystina Page – No Show
    4. Treasurer, John Hjersman – In Writing 2021-08-07 Treasurers Report
    5. Affiliate Representative, John Hjersman – In Writing 2021-08-07 AR Report, LPCO Outreach trailer moved – now requires stop in Denver & Golden for Outreach materials, Policy Manual being updated & micromanaged by LPCO Board, Transparency – website, Discord
      Motion: Judy write a letter to object to Discord
      Second: Nathan
    6. Education Director, Molly Foutch – LPEPC resignation will be forthcoming – moving due to family & tyranny.
    7. Outreach Director, Judy Darcy – In writing 2021-08 Outreach
  2. Committee Reports
    1. Bylaws Committee, John Hjersman, Judy Darcy – Meeting in September
    2. Media Committee, vacant –
    3. Fundraising Committee Chair, John Hjersman –
    4. Manitou Springs Issues Liaison, vacant –
    5. Social Media Committee Chair, Judy Darcy – See Outreach report
    6. Newsletter, vacant –
    7. IT Committee, vacant –
    8. Campaigns Committee, vacant –
    9. Policy Committee, Chris Houtchens, John Hjersman, Judy Darcy –
    10. Volunteer Coordinator, vacant –
  3. Unfinished Business
    1. Meetings
      08/07 – Board Meeting 2:00pm at Tilted Kilt
      08/19 – Monthly Meeting 6:00pm at Tilted Kilt
      08/21 – Cookout / Splash Pad? – Not enough interest
    2. Pending Board & Committee Appointments
      1. Molly Resigned in writing (on the back of July Minutes – to be scanned – official to be sent to Secretary)
      2. Education Director
        Judy Nominates Steve Darnell
        Pro-Rated Dues amount $8.33
        Paid $10
    3. Schedule Next Meetings
      1. Board Meetings
        09/11 – 2:00pm at Tilted Kilt – changed due to Labor Day Weekend
        10/09 – 2:00pm at Tilted Kilt
        11/06 – 2:00pm at Tilted Kilt
      2. Third Thursday Monthly Member Meetings
        08/19 – 6:00pm at Tilted Kilt
        09/16 – 6:00pm at Tilted Kilt
        10/21 – 6:00pm at Tilted Kilt
      3. Location Discussion: It is pretty far North, but accessible to those out East because they can take Woodmen in to town. It is right off I25, but Rush Hour makes it a pain for those coming from the South. Voted to leave it at Tilted Kilt Colorado Springs until an alternative can be found. Powers corridor maybe off Platte or Constitution to facilitate Eastern El Paso County?
    4. Phone Call Volunteers
      1. Committees
      2. Outreach
        1. Judy will make calls
      3. Meeting attendance
    5. Website, CRM, cloud, IT
      1. Aldo
      2. Judy Lance & Aldo did some stuff,
    6. Parade
      1. 2021 – Money held over for 2021 parade
    7. Participation in Reopen activities?
    8. Donate Button on Facebook
    9. Recruiting more people
    10. Outreach planning
      1. See Outreach Report
      2. Gun Show scheduled October 1-3, 2021
    11. Google Voice
      1. Judy will contact Lance, Who gets it now?
      2. Can send email notifications to Outreach until someone else volunteers.
    12. Gift envelopes
      1. Crystina will check out
    13. Shutterfly Free Stuff
      1. Crystina will price shop
    14. Quiz changes
      1. John will send more
      2. Will post pics in LPEPC Board Members Group
      3. FINISHED
    15. T-Shirts
      1. Need new Volunteer T-Shirts
      2. budget $200 for new T-Shirts
    16. Folder of Awards
      1. August Meeting Awards
  4. New Business
    1. Certificates
      1. Chairman Nathan Foutch
      2. Education Director Molly Foutch
    2. Call for Special Convention for Election of Chairman
      1. Combine with upcoming meeting that will allow for enough time per Bylaws.
  5. Announcements
  6. Discussion/Q&A
    1. Dues for 2021 are due to remain a contributing member and eligible for a Board Position. $25
  7. Adjourn: 3:17pmsubmitted for approval by Judy Darcy

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