Minutes – Board Meeting, February 6, 2020


Meeting – Libertarian Party of El Paso County Board of Directors Meeting
Date – Thursday, February 6, 2020
Time – 1:00pm
Location – IHOP, 6005 Constitution Ave



  1. Opening/Welcome/Introductions
    Board Members present:
    Alexis Buschmann, Victoria Ciraolo, John Hjersman, Judy Darcy
    Other members present:
    Anthony Delagado, Randy Scheider
    This constitutes a Quorum
    Call to Order: Alexis Buschmann at 1:21pm
  2. Presentation and Adoption of Agenda
    As presented
  3. Minutes from Previous Meeting
    As presented
  4. Director and Officer Reports
    1. Chair, Alexis Buschmann – backend organization
    2. Vice Chair, Victoria Ciraolo – paid dues!
    3. Secretary, Vacant
    4. Treasurer, John Hjersman – In writing,
    5. Outreach Director, Judy Darcy –
    6. Education Director, vacant
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Bylaws Committee
    2. Media Committee,
    3. Social Media Coordinator, Judy Darcy
    4. Newsletter Editor, Jessica Senia – None
    5. Convention Committee, Lance Haverkamp – none
    6. Campaigns Committee,
    7. Education Committee, Anthony Delgado – see Director Report
    8. Policy Committee,
    9. Fundraising Committee,
    10. Affiliate Representative, John Hjersman – Minority Report from Constitution & Bylaws
    11. IT Committee,
    12. Political Issues Liaisons,
    13. Manitou Springs, Paotie Dawson – none
  6. Unfinished Business
    1. Nominations/appointments
      1. Education Director – Anthony Delgado
        Eligible – Registered LP & dues paid
        Nomination: Alexis Buschmann
        Second:  Tori Ciaraolo
        MSC 3-0-1 – Judy Darcy Abstained
    2. Website, CRM, cloud
    3. Working with Aaron DeVandry
    4. Parade
    5. Discussed in Outreach report
  7. New Business
    1. Monthly Member Socials
      1. February 2020
        1. Action meeting, Q&A, Candidate recruitment April 2020
      2. March 2020
    2. Board Meeting Times and Locations
    3. Outreach planning
    4. St Patrick’s Day Parade
      1. Spend $200 for entry & Supplies
        Motion: Judy
        Second: Lexi
      2. Fundraising
      3. Parade T-Shirts
      4. Someone will gift the shirts & printing to someone that can donate them in-kind
      5. Talk to Amy about graphic design.
      6. Someone needs 2 week notice. Needs color by the 21st
    5. Local election candidates/campaigns
      1. Will bring information to 3rd Thursday
    6. Facebook Groups
    7. Tori will set up Facebook Groups to increase engagement & ease communication.
  8. Announcements
    1. Dues for 2020 are due to remain a contributing member. $25
    2. Colorado State Convention in Glenwood Springs, April 3-5
    3. National Convention in Austin Texas, May 20-25
  9. Discussion/Q&A 
  10. Adjourn 3:05pm


 Note: blanks were updated by the Board, but then the Website crashed. We are attempting to recover this information.

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