Minutes – Board Meeting, June, 2021

Draft Minutes as submitted by Crystina Page

Meeting – Libertarian Party of El Paso County Board of Directors Meeting
Date – Saturday, June 05, 2021
Time – 2:00PM
Location – The Tilted Kilt, 7061 Commerce Center Dr., Colorado Springs CO
1. Opening/Welcome/Introductions
Board Members Present: Nathan, John, Crystina, Judy (by
Others Present: Greg Lauer
Quorum: Yes
Call to Order: 3:08 p.m.
2. Presentation and Adoption of Agenda: with formatting (Crystina
will fix by Mon 6/7)
Motion: John
Second: Nathan
3. Minutes from May 2021 meeting
Motion to set aside adopting April minutes until July board meeting.
Crystina will present minutes to the board by Tuesday 6/8.
Motion: Judy
Second: Nathan
Motion to set aside adopting May minutes until July board meeting.
Crystina will present minutes to the board by Tuesday 6/8.
Motion: Judy
Second: Nathan
4. Director/Officer Reports
a. Chairman, Nathan Foutch – My ignorance has led me not to do
any formal report because I had no clue as to what you’re talking
about. Aside form that, May was concerned with Convention. Was
named Treasurer for State of Colorado, so I’ve been focusing on
new duties and responsibilities. Have about 6 hours of training in
with John, with about half of that downloading software.
i. Vice Chair, Vacant
ii. Secretary, Crystina – Requesting training for position to ensure
continuity of instruction. Received clear instructions from Nathan
and Board as to when, where, and how reports should be submitted.
iii. Treasurer, John Hjersman – In writing – Balance $668.93,
PayPal 539.54, No cash on hand Total – $1208.47
iv. Affiliate Representative, John Hjersman – In writing –
Includes list of new state members.
v. Education Director, Molly Foutch – Not present.
vi. Outreach Director, Judy Darcy – In writing – Attended events,
talked to Lance about Aldo, talked to Aldo, but did not follow up.
Nathan is not receiving Voice calls. Still don’t know what’s going on
with the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Three Tanner Gun Shows coming
in July, September and December.
Colorado Gun Collectors Show September 18-19. Tables are $150
Motion that we spend a maximum of $85 each for July
30-Aug 1, September 24-26, December 10-12 for the
Tanner Gun Show. Motion: Judy
Second: Nathan
Motion that we buy an outreach booth for Colorado Gun
Collectors Show at a maximum of $75.
Motion: Judy
Second: Nathan
Judy’s report continued : Festival of Lights Parade may or may not
happen. Discussion about whether or not to participate. Nathan
requesting to postpone discussion until July’s meeting so that Judy
can bring more information to the table.
Judy Motions to approve up to $150 for a booth at the Beers,
Bonnets and Brews festival if we are able to find enough people to
man the booth. Any additional cost must be approved by the Board
via email vote.
Motion: Judy
Second: Nathan
Judy asking about Juneteenth festival. June 19th. All agreed to
El Paso County Fair – $100/day inside; outside with electric
$130/week for 10′ table
Motion that we spend a maximum of $150 maximum for a
booth El Paso County Fair. Any additional cost must be
approved by the Board via email vote.
Motion: Judy
Second: Nathan
Pride Fest, ComiCon both put on hold pending new info. Ice Cream
social event – will walk through with postcards. Sesquicentennial
Parade – on hold. Downtown Festival – on hold for email vote.
Motion to have an email vote for cost of sesquicentennial
parade and downtown festival.
Motion: Judy
Second: Nathan
Judy’s report continues – 4th of July event: Liberty in the Park
Motion to approve up to $50 on Declaration of
Independence booklets.
Motion: Judy
Second: Nathan
End of Minutes taken by Secretary / Report Continues
from Judy.