Minutes – Board Meeting, May 2021

Draft Minutes submitted by Crystina Page

Meeting – Libertarian Party of El Paso County Board of Directors Meeting
Date – Saturday, May 08, 2021
Time – 2:00PM
Location – The Tilted Kilt, 7061 Commerce Center Dr., Colorado Springs CO
Board Members Present: Nathan Foutch, John Hjersman, Judy
Darcy, Crystina Page
Others Present: Greg Lauer, Mr. Cain, Justin Carpenter, Justin
Carpenter Jr, Faith Mack
Quorum: Yes
Call to Order: 2:48 p.m.
Mr. Lauer’s introduction. Currently serving as City Council; running
for Mayor in November as an unaffiliated Libertarian
1. Presentation and Adoption of Agenda:
Motion: Nathan
Second: John
2. Minutes from Previous meeting
Motion: Judy motions to table approval of April 2021 Minutes until
next meeting
Second: John
3. Director/Officer Reports
1. Chairman, Nathan Foutch – filled oout all paperwork for Manitou
Springs. Had 110 people or so that seemed to be positive, 30 that were not.
Has been going through the LPCO bylaws, and will try to be completed by
Monday 1300.
2. Vice Chair, Vacant (Holding report for resignation)
3. Secretary, Crystina Page – Need passwords to website and laptop
4. Treasurer, John Hjersman – $648.93 bank balance, $2 in undeposited
contributions. $539.54 in PayPal, totaling $1190.47
5. Outreach Director, Judy Darcy – Voter rosters have not been updated in at
least four months. Governor turned over control to counties.
EPEPC.org – Need someone to answer google voice number. Nathan
volunteered. Updated events on website. Lance and Aldo have been
working on the cloud. Aldo will have repaired by end of week. Will let us
know what the cost is and is aware of budget. Tanner Gun Show dates.
Colorado Gun Collectors Show. Festival of Lights Display dates. 12th
Annual Meadowgrass Music Festival. Beards, Bonnets and Brews Festival.
Judy will find more info. Juneteeth Event. El Paso County Fair. Lantern
Festival. Spring Spree 5K. Pridefest. Comicon. Summertime Ice Cream
Social and Pie Baking. Liberty in the Park. UCCS Job Board. Book club.
6,440 to 5,641 to 6,765 for the last 3 months.
Facebook threatening to unpublish. Reach was 275. Last month was 656.
Engagement down to 34.
May – Gun Laws
June – Police Accountability
Judy motion for future meetings at 1400. Nathan seconded. MC
El Paso County Democrats 3485 to 3493
MeWe page – 81 members
Needs Picture and About Me from Crystina
Needs Speaker info to update events
Discussion regarding awning / canopies
Will work on editing pamphlets
6. Education Director, Molly Foutch – No report.\
4. Director/Committee Reports
1. Bylaws Committee, John Hjersman, Judy Darcy – Bylaws clarified
regarding expenditures and reimbursement. Bylaws Meeting Scheduled
for Tuesday May 25 12 noon at Nathan’s house.
2. Media Committee, vacant
3. Social Media Coordinator, Judy Darcy – See Outreach Report
4. Newsletter Editor, vacant
5. Convention Committee, Lance Haverkamp – NSTR
6. Campaigns Committee, vacant
7. Education Committee, Molly Foutch – NSTR
8. Policy Committee – Have not had meeting
9. Fundraising Committee, vacant
10. Affiliate Representative, John Hjersman – Posted report
11. IT Committee, Judy –
12.Volunteer Coordinator, vacant
13.Voter Registration Drive Committee Chairman – vacant
14.Event Photographer, vacant
15.Political Issues Liaisons,
i. Manitou Springs,
ii. Colorado Springs
iii. El Paso County
iv. Fountain, Greg Lauer – Judy nominated, Crystina second, MSCU
v. Monument
16. Volunteer Training Scheduling
5. Unfinished Business
1. City Council Visitors – Neighborhood districts suggested by Nancy
2. 5/20 – Monthly Meeting
3. 5/25 – Bylaws Meeting
4. 6/17 – Monthly meeting
5. A. Pending Board & Committee Appointments
i. EPC Political Issues Liaison – vacant
ii. Colorado Springs Political Issues Liaison – vacant
iii. Volunteer Coordinator – vacant –
iv. Campaigns Committee Chair – vacant
v. Voter Registration Drive Chair – vacant
vi. Fundraising Committee Chair – vacant
vii. Media Committee, vacant
viii. IT Committee, vacant
ix. Meeting Host – vacant
x. Event Photographer – vacant
xi. Phone Call Volunteers
xii. Website, CRM, cloud, IT
6. Results of Judy’s contact with Aldo
7. Results of Judy’s contact with Lance about cloud, education email
password, chair email
8. Donate Button on Facebook
9. Recruiting more people
10. Phone calls between meetings
11. Outreach planning
6. New Business
1. A. Google Voice
2. B. Gift envelopes
7. Announcements
8. Discussion/Q&A
9. Adjourn 1642