Agenda – Board Meeting, January 2022


Meeting – Libertarian Party of El Paso County Board of Directors Meeting
Date – January 8, 2022
Time – 2PM
Location – The Tilted Kilt 7061 Commerce Center Dr

  1. Opening/Welcome/Introductions
    Board Members present: John Hjersman, Judy Darcy
    Others present:

    Call to Order:
  2. Presentation and Adoption of Agenda
  3. Minutes from Previous meetingsMinutes from April Meeting – compiled from information from Crystina Page Judy Darcy uploaded draft  & proposed amendment to website.
    Second: Minutes from May Meeting – compiled from information from Crystina Page Judy Darcy uploaded draft  & proposed amendment to website.
    Minutes from June Meeting – compiled from information from Crystina Page Judy Darcy uploaded draft, part 1; draft, part 2  & proposed amendment to website.

    Minutes from September Meeting – incomplete minutes posted to website

    Minutes from December Meeting

  4. Director/Officer Reports
    1. Acting Chair, Chris Houtchens –
    2. Vice Chair, –
    3. Secretary, –
    4. Treasurer, John Hjersman – In writing 2022-01-08 Treasurers Report
    5. Affiliate Representative, John Hjersman – n writing 2022-01-08 AR Report
    6. Director-at-Large-Outreach, Judy Darcy – In writing 2022-01 Outreach
  5. Committee Reports
    1. Bylaws Committee, John Hjersman – will have discussion after this meeting
    2. Finance Committee –
    3. Manitou Springs Issues Liaison, –
    4. Social Media Committee Chair, Judy Darcy – See Outreach
    5. Newsletter, –
    6. IT Coordinator –
  6. Unfinished Business
    1. Events Calendar (topics/dates/education and social)
      01/08 – Board Meeting
      01/16 – Monthly Meeting
      01/22 – Annual Convention / Board Meeting
    2. Convention
      1. High Prairie Library
      2. Laptops available?
      3. Food?
      4. Credentialing?
      5. Agenda
    3. Return of Secretary Materials
      1. John gave Secretary bag to Judy.
    4. Pending Board & Committee Appointments
      1. Vice Chair -vacant
      2. Secretary -vacant
      3. EPC Political Issues Liaison – vacant
      4. Colorado Springs Political Issues Liaison – vacant
      5. Minutes Committee Chair – vacant
      6. Agenda Committee Chair – vacant
      7. Convention Committee Chair – vacant
      8. Volunteer Coordinator – vacant –
      9. Campaigns Committee Chair – vacant
      10. Voter Registration Drive Chair – vacant
      11. Fundraising Committee Chair – vacant
      12. Meeting Host – vacant
      13. Event Photographer – vacant
    5. Community Events
    6. Volunteer Training
    7. Compile information for missing Minutes from previous Secretary.
      1. See above links.
    8. Parade
      1. 2021 – Money held over for 2022 parade
    9. Google Voice
      1. John texted Chris
    10. T-Shirts
      1. Need new Volunteer T-Shirts
      2. budget $200 for new T-Shirts
      3. John will check in with Crystina
    11. Website, CRM, cloud, IT
      1. Use CiviHosting for website Maximum expense $250 per year
      2. Lance
  7. New Business
  8. Announcements
    1. Dues for 2021 are due to remain a Contributing Member & eligible for Board position.
  9. Discussion/Q&A
  10. Adjourn:

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